Insights Discovery
An Introduction Team Effectiveness Building Resilience
As a leader you can only succeed by inspiring and motivating others.
Self-awareness is an absolute must to achieve this: it is vital that you understand how you come across to others and your impact on group and individual interactions, before you can hope to influence others.
Insights Discovery is the gold standard of personality and team profiling used in business today, and it offers key insights and tools to accelerate your leadership journey.
Why Insights Discovery?
We love the intuitive nature of Insights Discovery – the use of colour to describe the unique personal style, strengths and value to the team of every team member brings Carl Jung’s psychology to life. We call these the colour energies, and it's the unique mix of Fiery Red, Sunshine Yellow, Earth Green and Cool Blue energies, which determines how and why people behave the way they do.
The model is also very easy to put into practice as it is based on observable behaviours.
“Very eye-opening, and it has changed my way of perceiving others/being more self-aware. Sarah was great: enthusiastic, warm, knowledgeable and engaging.”
Camilla Pierleoni, Distribution Manager, Danone
The benefits for your organisation
Once the Insights methodology is embedded into an organisation’s culture then teamwork becomes much easier as there is a common language around communication that everyone understands.
One of our clients with multiple sites around the country makes sure that everyone has their order of colour energies prominently displayed on their desk (using the Insights Discovery blocks) so that if you are visiting from another workplace, you have a visual notification of how best to approach this person. Others have an image of their ordered blocks as part of their email signature.
Insights Discovery Workshop
An Introduction
The Insights Discovery model is a simple four colour model which is intuitive and easy to understand.
You will learn about your behavioural preferences, your strengths, any potential blind spots, what motivates and inspires you, and how you come across to others.
You will also understand how to recognise what colour energies other people lead with, which can help with communication and relationships at work. You will be able to flex your own style slightly to make a better connection with someone.
The Insights Discovery model also gives teams a common language to use for team communication which is helpful when conflicts inevitably arise, or team dynamics change.
How it works
Before the workshop each team member will fill out an online evaluator which will generate an Insights Discovery Personal Profile.
At the workshop all delegates will learn about the four colour energies that we all have, their personal preferences for each energy, and how the model is built up. They will then receive their report which gives them detailed information about how they operate in the workplace, their strengths and weaknesses, any potential blindspots, how to communicate with their opposite type (often their source of most work conflict), and their managerial preferences.
We will also explore how to identify others’ colour energy preferences and their preferred ways of communication and interaction.
The day is highly interactive and fun!
Insights Discovery Workshop
Discovering Team
Effective teams are the building blocks of successful organisations, so it’s vital that they are balanced, focused and cohesive.
Our Discovering Team Effectiveness workshop helps teams to find their balance and give their best performance, even during the most difficult of times. The Insights Discovery Team Wheel enables teams to see visually where they are strongest and where members might need to flex to fill any gaps.
Teams will work together to identify their most pressing and important issues. The workshop will help them to diagnose and confront problems, improve relationships and ultimately increase productivity.
How it works
Each team member will bring along their Insights Discovery Personal Profile, and we will discuss the unique value each brings to the team.
Then, through facilitated discussions, exercises and breakout sessions, the team can learn how their individual and team preferences affect team dynamics and performance.
The results? Clear and practical action plans that accelerate the team’s progress towards the goal.
Insights Discovery Workshop
Building Resilience
Resilience is a popular topic in today’s organisations as more is required from employees in the volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world of today with its fast pace of change. We all saw how important resilience for leaders during the pandemic, and it is important to consciously develop it.
This half-day workshop is designed to give a useful overview of resilience with sufficient depth that participants can reflect on their own experience against the resilience checklist and leave the session with some useful practical tips about strengthening their own resilience levels.
All participants will need to have completed their Personal Profile Reports and have some understanding of the Insights Discovery model. The workshop is thought-provoking and practical.
How it works
Recent times have demonstrated more clearly than ever before the importance of resilience in the workplace, both at the organisational level, and at the individual one.
During this workshop you will explore what resilience is and what it means for you given your unique blend of colour energies.
You will build a personal resilience strategy, working out where you need to tap into your natural colour energies and where you need to dial up less inclined energies.
You will also identify your personal resilience resources and drains, and how this can impact yourself and your colleagues.
“A brilliant day… extremely eye-opening and gave me the opportunity to truly evaluate the perceptions I have of myself and how I interact with others.”
Hollie-Mae Gallagher, Hayfield Homes